Vikings: The sagas of Viking Ragnar Lothbrok and his descendants.

International Coproductions

International Coproduction and Codevelopment Incentives: 2018-2019

Incentive Platform Activity # of projects CMF Funding $K Foreign Funder $K
Canada-Colombia Co-Development Incentive for web series or other digital media projects Digital Media Development 4 117 119
Canada-Denmark Co-Development Incentive for Digital Media Projects Digital Media Development 4 141 137
Canada-Germany Digital Media Incentive Digital Media Development or Production 4 225 312
Canada-Ireland Codevelopment Incentive for Audio-visual Projects Television Development 2 31 46
Canada-Luxembourg Co-Development and Co-Production Incentive for Audio-visual Projects Digital Media Development or Production 4 393 383
Canada-New Zealand Digital Media Fund Digital Media Production 2 380 362
Canada-Northern Ireland Co-Development Incentive for Audio-visual Projects Television or Digital Media Development 4 94 104
Canada-South Africa Co-Development Incentive for Audio-Visual Projects Television Development 3 57 60
Canada-Wallonia Digital Media Incentive for Multiplatform Projects Digital Media Production 2 300 300
Total     29 1,738 1,823

The international coproduction and codevelopment incentives are designed to support the Canada Media Fund’s (CMF) objectives of finding innovative solutions to encourage the coproduction and codevelopment of content. The CMF partners with international funding organizations to develop matching funds to invest in the creation of innovative projects that have at least one Canadian and one international producer. The year 2018-2019 saw nine matching incentives, more than any previous year. Seven were continued from the previous years and two were new partnerships (Luxembourg and Northern Ireland). The incentives targeted both Digital Media and Television projects, in production and development stages. The foreign partners contributed a total of $1.8M (CAD) to CMF-funded projects.

The CMF also supports international coproductions through its other major programs. 

Convergent STREAM

In 2018-2019, international treaty coproductions represented a small portion of CMF convergent funded projects (5.3% of productions and 5.7% of all production funding). 

At a total of $16.3M, funding to international convergent coproductions has reached a five-year high and the number of projects has stayed steady at 26. 

The classification of Majority and Minority Canadian coproductions depend on the level of ownership of the Canadian producer. Majority Canadian coproduction funding has bounced back this year to match minority coproduction. However, 57.7% of coproductions are minority Canadian. Minority coproduction funding declined by $3.2M from last year and majority coproduction funding rose by $5.7M.

The largest number of convergent coproductions were with France (8) and the United Kingdom (5, fewer than in previous years), as has been the trend in recent years. 2018-2019 saw coproductions with 18 countries. Ireland coproduced a big-budget drama for the eighth consecutive year, returning on Vikings VI and adding a feature film and a feature documentary. Belgium and Taiwan are new television coproducing partner countries. Companies from Belgium were coproducers of a Children’s & Youth series and two feature films.


There were 6 Experimental-funded international coproductions in 2018-2019. All were funded through international coproduction incentives.

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