Performance Envelope Calculations
The proportion of funding allocated to each performance envelope is determined by the performance of participating broadcasters against each other, within weighted factors. For 2018-2019 performance envelope allocations, the calculations were based on the following five performance factors: audience success - total hours tuned, audience success - original first run, historic performance, regional production licensing, and digital media investment.
This factor was created to reward broadcasters with a proven track record of supporting CMF-funded projects that appeal to Canadian audiences. Whether this is the result of the caliber of the project that was triggered by the broadcaster, strong promotion and/or scheduling, the result is the same: Canadians spending more time viewing CMF-funded programming. Audience success - total hours tuned credit was based on total hours tuned to CMF-funded programs, for each broadcaster, commissioned or through acquisition, over the course of the 2017-2018 broadcast year. Total hours tuned were derived from Numeris audience measurements and included all persons aged 2+.
This factor was created in response to a directive from the Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH) to place an emphasis on the support of original, first-run television programming in prime time. The audience success – original first run factor was intended to provide further incentive for broadcasters to commission original programming and air these programs in their prime time schedules. Credit derived from eligible telecasts was calculated using the same methodology as that used for audience success – total hours tuned.
The historic performance factor was intended to provide a measure of year-over-year funding stability for broadcasters and producers. Broadcasters earned historic performance credit based on the amount of CMF funding committed to television projects to which they had contributed an eligible licence fee. Credit for the historic performance factor was determined on the basis of the following three fiscal years: 2014-2015, 2015- 2016, and 2016-2017.
The regional production licensing factor rewards broadcasters who trigger television projects outside the production centres of Toronto and Montréal, thus contributing towards one of the key CMF objectives, encouraging a diversity of voices from across the country. Broadcasters that licensed projects from the regions in 2017-2018 received credit in 2018-2019 performance envelope calculations.
The digital media investment performance factor aims to encourage broadcasters to support “rich and substantial” (as defined in the Guidelines) digital media components to augment their television properties. Credit in the digital media investment factor in 2018-2019 performance envelope calculations was based on the combination of a broadcaster’s eligible cash and CMF contributions to 2017-2018 CMF-funded rich and substantial digital media components.
The French documentary allocation was split between one-offs and series for calculation purposes, to differentiate between the two formats, and to encourage broadcasters to continue commissioning one-off documentaries. Despite this extra step in the process, broadcasters that participated in this genre received a single, unified documentary envelope comprised of the amounts earned from these two program formats.
Factor Weights - %
2013-2014 to 2018-2019 | Audience Success - Total Hours Tuned | Audience Success - Original First Run | Historic Performance | Regional Production Licensing | Digital Media Investment | Total |
English |
40 |
15 |
15 |
20 |
10 |
100 |
French |
40 |
15 |
25 |
10 |
10 |
100 |